Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Hubby Bakes! - Le pain d'épices de reim

Le pain d'épices de reim  in english "spice bread",according to wikipedia "it is sometimes loosely translated as ginger bread. Again,the husband came home with baking ingredients,he said he'll bake a french bread which is his favorite childhood food when they used to live in the french speaking part of switzerland,in Moudon.

It looks easy to bake,it took him maybe 15min. or less to do all the work then 1hr in the oven.On the photo above it's wrapped to keep the moist of the bread.

The 4-spice


450g Chestnut honey, dark, liquid

25 cl of milk, lukewarm

100g butter, melted

150 White flour

300g full corn flour

1 Tbs. Bicarbonated baking powder

30g brown sugar

1 Egg

1 pinch of salt

2 Tbs.olive oil

1/2 Teaspoon cinnamon

Fresh Muscat (freshly grated)

Ginger Powder

Cloves Powder

Anise, ground

Butter for the form.


Mix all the ingredients into a dough, pour into a greased Loaf pan 170 ° C bake for about 45 minutes an wrap overnight to keep the moist. So easy right?

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